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Press Release

Russia: Crimean activists sentenced after ‘fatally flawed’ military trial

Hefty prison sentences of up to two decades handed down by a Russian military court against two Ukrainian activists today are a blatant injustice after a patently unfair trial marred by credible allegations of torture.

August 25, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

“Just Tell Me What to Confess To” Torture and Ill-Treatment by Burundi’s Police and Intelligence Service Since April 2015

Beatings with iron bars and acid burns are among an array of torture techniques used by Burundian security forces to extract “confessions” and silence dissent.

August 24, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

‘Nowhere Safe for Civilians’: Airstrikes and Ground Attacks in Yemen

Civilians in Yemen are bearing the brunt in the conflict raging between Huthi militias (and army units loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh), who seized control of the capital and large parts of the country September 2014, and anti-Huthi armed groups (and army units loyal to exiled President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi), who are supported by a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition.

August 18, 2015

Press Release

Syria: War crimes amplify suffering of Eastern Ghouta’s bombed and besieged civilians

Relentless aerial bombardment and shelling by Syrian government forces is magnifying the suffering of civilians trapped under siege and facing an escalating humanitarian crisis in Eastern Ghouta, said Amnesty International in a new report

August 17, 2015

Press Release

Bloody Trail of Civilian Death and Destruction Paved with Evidence of War Crimes in Southern Yemen

Saudi Arabia-led coalition airstrikes and attacks by pro and anti-Huthi armed groups in Ta’iz and Aden in Yemen have killed scores of civilians - including dozens of children – and could amount to war crimes, Amnesty International has revealed in a new briefing published today.

August 17, 2015

Press Release

Less Than 75 Pounds and Never Charged with a Crime, Tariq Ba Odah May Die at Guantanamo

The US Department of Justice filed its opposition today to Guantanamo detainee Tariq Ba Odah's habeas petition and bid for release after being held for more than 13 years without charge. In response, Naureen Shah, director of Amnesty International USA's Security and Human Rights Program, issued the following statement:

August 14, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

‘Left To Die Under Siege’: War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses in Eastern Ghouta

Thousands of civilians remain trapped in Eastern Ghouta, an area to the north and east of Damascus that has been continuously besieged by Syrian government forces since 2013. They have little access to food, water, medicines, fuel or electrical power due to the ongoing blockade by government forces, and the actions of non-state armed groups that largely control the area. The government has failed to comply with UN Security Council demands that they allow UN humanitarian agencies free access to deliver aid to civilians under siege across the country.

August 14, 2015

Press Release

A lost decade for victims of Indonesia’s Aceh conflict

Indonesia is still failing tens of thousands affected by the devastating Aceh conflict, leaving family members and victims in the dark about the fate of loved ones and without justice, truth and full reparation Amnesty International said ahead of the 10-year anniversary of the conflict’s end.

August 13, 2015

Press Release

UN must address systematic accountability failure for peacekeeper abuses

The UN must review the oversight of its peacekeeping operations, Amnesty International said ahead of today’s Security Council meeting called to discuss allegations of sexual abuse in the Central African Republic (CAR).

August 13, 2015

Press Release

Fresh evidence of casualties underscores need for impartial investigation into Turkish airstrikes in Kandil Mountains

Evidence collected by Amnesty International in a fact-finding mission indicates that multiple Turkish government airstrikes killed eight residents and injured at least eight others – including a child - in a flagrantly unlawful attack on the village of Zergele, in the Kandil Mountains in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

August 11, 2015

Press Release

CAR: UN troops implicated in rape of girl and indiscriminate killings must be investigated

The rape of a 12-year-old girl and the apparent indiscriminate killings of a 16-year-old boy and his father by UN peacekeeping forces in the Central African Republic must be urgently investigated, with those implicated in the crimes suspended immediately.

August 11, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

Don’t We Matter? Four Years of Unrelenting Attacks Against Civilians of Sudan’s South Kordofan State

Government forces in Sudan have committed war crimes against the civilian population of South Kordofan, Amnesty International has definitively confirmed for the first time in a new report published today.

August 4, 2015