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Sheet of paper Report

Breaking Bodies: Torture and Summary Killings in Eastern Ukraine

Overwhelming evidence of ongoing war crimes, including torture and summary killings of prisoners, serve as a stark reminder of the brutal practices being committed on a near-daily basis in eastern Ukraine’s conflict, Amnesty International said in a comprehensive new briefing today.

May 21, 2015

Press Release

Morocco: Endemic torture used to incriminate suspects, gag dissent

Beatings, stress positions, asphyxiation, simulated drowning, psychological and sexual violence are among an array of torture techniques used by Moroccan security forces to extract “confessions” to crimes or silence activists and crush dissent, according to a new Amnesty International report published today.

May 19, 2015


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Shadow of Impunity: Torture in Morocco and Western Sahara

Beatings, stress positions, asphyxiation, simulated drowning, psychological and sexual violence are among an array of torture techniques used by Moroccan security forces to extract “confessions” to crimes or silence activists and crush dissent, according to a new Amnesty International report published today.

May 18, 2015

Press Release

USA Freedom Act Should Spur Complete Surveillance Overhaul

Passage of the USA Freedom Act has to be the beginning, not the end of real surveillance reform, Amnesty International said today, as the bill passed a House of Representatives vote.

May 14, 2015

Press Release

U.S. Court Rules NSA Mass Surveillance Illegal

The U.S. government’s mass surveillance of communications received a major setback today with a court of appeals ruling that the National Security Agency's bulk collection of phone records is illegal, said Amnesty International.

May 7, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes Decision To Release on Bail Guantanamo’s Youngest Detainee

Omar Khadr, who spent more than 12 years in U.S. custody after he was detained at age 15 and sent to Guantanamo, has been released on bail following a Canadian court decision today.

May 7, 2015


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“Death Everywhere:” War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses in Aleppo

Sheer terror and unbearable suffering has forced many civilians in Aleppo to eke out an existence underground to escape the relentless aerial bombardment of opposition-held areas by government forces, according to a new report published by Amnesty International.

May 4, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International: Redress Should be Available for All Civilians Killed in U.S. Drone Strikes

In response to President Obama’s public acknowledgment of the killing of one American and one Italian hostage in a CIA drone strike, Naureen Shah, director of Amnesty International USA’s Security and Human Rights program, issued the following statement

April 23, 2015


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USA: Crimes and Impunity

More than four months after publication of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s summary report on the secret detention program operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the US administration has done nothing to end impunity for the torture and enforced disappearances committed in the program.

April 21, 2015

Press Release

U.S. Inaction Following CIA Torture Report is De Facto Amnesty for Perpetrators

Amnesty International released a report today criticizing the Obama administration’s silence in the wake of the Senate torture report, calling it de facto amnesty for those responsible for CIA torture.

April 20, 2015

Press Release

UK Doctor to White House: Release Our Last Detainee

London Marathon runner Dr David Nicholl is in Washington to demand President Obama delivers on his promise to close Guantánamo – including by sending home former British resident Shaker Aamer, who was tortured.

April 17, 2015

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Crimes and Impunity

Amnesty International released a report today criticizing the Obama administration’s silence in the wake of the Senate torture report, calling it de facto amnesty for those responsible for CIA torture.

April 17, 2015