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Israeli MPs sit before a vote on a bill to dissolve the Knesset (Israeli parliament) on May 29, 2019, at the Knesset in Jerusalem. - Parliament voted 74-45 in favour of dissolving itself and setting elections for September 17. (Photo by Menahem KAHANA / AFP) (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Discriminatory Measures Undermine Palestinian Representation in Knesset

Palestinians elected to Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, are being targeted by discriminatory regulations and legislation that undermine their ability to represent and defend the rights of the Palestinian minority population in Israel, Amnesty International said in a new briefing published today, ahead of upcoming Israeli elections on September 17.

September 3, 2019

Yellow and white graphic with the Amnesty international logo on the bottom left and the word

Press Release

Criticism of Israeli Government’s Policies Are Free Speech, Not Anti-Semitism

Responding to Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and minister of Interior Arye Deri, denying entrance to two U.S. members of Congress and U.S. President Donald Trump’s tweets referring to the members of Congress as anti-semitic, Amnesty International Israel and Amnesty International USA issued the following statement: Molly Malekar, Amnesty International Israel’s director said: “The Israeli government allows free entry to world leaders accused of gross violations of human rights, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, such as Myanmar’s generals and Duterte of the Philippines, proudly embracing leaders identified with supporting neo-Nazi and anti-semitic groups such as Hungary’s Orbán or Brazil’s…

August 15, 2019

Press Release

Amnesty International Israel’s Office Targeted with Death Threat

The Israeli authorities must urgently investigate death threats targeting three civil society organizations, including Amnesty International’s Israeli section in Tel Aviv, the organization’s International Secretariat said today.

July 31, 2019

Two models stand on a "barbed-wire beach" outside the offices of TripAdvisor in Soho Square, central London, as part of an Amnesty International campaign calling on the firm and other travel companies to stop listing rooms and activities in Israeli settlements in the Palestinian Territories. (Photo by Kirsty O'Connor/PA Images via Getty Images)

Press Release

TripAdvisor Staff Urged to Speak Out Against Firm’s Role in Sustaining Illegal Israeli Settlements

Amnesty International has called on TripAdvisor employees to use their power to demand that their company stops profiting from war crimes by listing tourist attractions and properties in illegal Israeli settlements across the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

July 9, 2019

©Getty Images

Press Release

Catastrophic failure as civilians ravaged by war violations 70 years after Geneva Conventions

The UN Security Council must mark the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions this year by ending its catastrophic failure to protect millions of civilians around the world whose lives and livelihoods are routinely ravaged by violations of the laws of war, Amnesty International said today.

May 22, 2019

Press Release

Israel’s refusal to grant Palestinian refugees right to return has fuelled seven decades of suffering

Israel’s failure to respect the right to return for Palestinians who were forced to flee their homes in 1948 is a flagrant violation of international law that has fuelled decades of suffering on a mass scale for Palestinian refugees across the region, said Amnesty International, marking 71 years since the Nakba (catastrophe), as it is known to Palestinians.

May 14, 2019

Press Release

Israel: Amnesty International engages in legal action to stop NSO Group’s web of surveillance

Amnesty International is supporting a legal action to take the Israeli Ministry of Defence (MoD) to court, to demand that it revokes the export license of NSO Group, an Israeli company whose spyware products have been used in chilling attacks on human rights defenders around the world.

May 12, 2019

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Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa: A review of 2018

The international community’s chilling complacency towards wide-scale human rights violations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has emboldened governments to commit appalling violations during 2018 by giving them the sense that they need never fear facing justice, said Amnesty International as it published a review of human rights in the region last year. The report Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa: A review of 2018 describes how authorities across the region have unashamedly persisted with ruthless campaigns of repression in order to crush dissent, cracking down on protesters, civil society and political opponents, often with tacit support…

February 26, 2019

Press Release

Israel/OPT: Tourism companies driving settlement expansion, profiting from war crimes

Online booking giants Airbnb,, Expedia and TripAdvisor are fueling human rights violations against Palestinians by listing hundreds of rooms and activities in Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land, including East Jerusalem, Amnesty International said today. In a new report, ‘Destination: Occupation,’ the organization documents how online booking companies are driving tourism to illegal Israeli settlements and contributing to their existence and expansion.

January 30, 2019

Press Release

Israel: ‘Rogue’ NSO Group must have licence revoked over controversial surveillance software

Amnesty International is taking legal advice in order to revoke the export licence of Israel-based NSO Group, after it was revealed the cyber firm’s spyware had been used in an attempt to spy on an Amnesty staff member. A recent investigation by Haaretz newspaper uncovered the firm’s sophisticated surveillance tool “Pegasus” was offered to authorities in Saudi Arabia last year. Two weeks ago, Amnesty International Israel submitted an urgent request to the Israeli Ministry of Defence, demanding that NSO Group's defence export licence be revoked in light of an attempted cyber attack on an Amnesty staff member via NSO's spyware.…

November 28, 2018

Yellow and white graphic with the Amnesty international logo on the bottom left and the word

Press Release

Gaza: Civilian lives must be spared as fighting between Israel and Palestinian armed groups escalates

Responding to the escalation of hostilities between Israel and the Palestinian armed groups in Gaza overnight -  the most serious fighting since the 2014 armed conflict - Saleh Higazi, Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International said: “The alarming escalation in violence overnight in Gaza raises fears we could witness another spike in civilian bloodshed. Under international humanitarian law, all sides in a conflict have a clear obligation to protect the lives of civilians caught up in the hostilities. “Carrying out air strikes against buildings in heavily populated areas endangers civilian lives. Israeli forces must…

November 13, 2018

Palestinian protestors carrying their national flag burn tyres during demonstration on the beach near the maritime border with Israel, in the northern Gaza Strip, on October 15, 2018. - Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened to inflict "very strong blows" on Hamas after fresh violence along the border with the Gaza Strip controlled by the Islamist group. (Photo by Said KHATIB / AFP) (Photo credit should read SAID KHATIB/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Gaza: Fears of further bloodshed as Israel adopts ‘zero tolerance’ policy

Fears of escalating bloodshed are rising ahead of planned protests in Gaza later today after Israeli authorities announced a “zero tolerance” policy towards demonstrations along the Israel/Gaza fence, said Amnesty International.

October 19, 2018