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Press Release

Syria: Fears of civilian carnage in Aleppo amid threat of impending assault on city

Fears for the safety of civilians in eastern and western Aleppo city are mounting amid the looming threat of a resumption and possible escalation of fighting and bombardment by Syrian government forces with Russian support, and non-state armed groups once a humanitarian pause comes to an end later today, said Amnesty International today. Media reports indicate that a fleet of Russian warships have made their way to Latakia on the Syrian coast in recent days indicating that Syrian and Russian forces are preparing a final bloody assault to seize control of the city. “Even in times of wars, there are…

November 4, 2016

Press Release

Syria: End unlawful attacks in western Aleppo city by armed opposition groups

The fierce offensive on western Aleppo city launched by armed opposition groups on October 28 has been marked by indiscriminate attacks on civilian areas that cannot be justified as a way to break the relentless siege that has sparked a humanitarian crisis in eastern Aleppo, Amnesty International said. Up to 48 people including 17 children have been killed in civilian areas of government-controlled western Aleppo since the offensive began, according to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.  “The goal of breaking the siege on eastern Aleppo does not give armed opposition groups a license to flout the rules of international…

October 31, 2016

Press Release

US must come clean about civilian deaths caused by coalition air strikes in Syria

U.S.-led coalition forces carrying out air strikes in Syria must conduct thorough investigations into reports of civilian casualties from its operations and disclose their findings, said Amnesty International. Eleven coalition attacks examined by the organization appear to have killed some 300 civilians during two years of strikes targeting the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS).

October 25, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty releases new satellite imagery of Aleppo ahead of UN meeting

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) must step in to fill the void left by the Security Council members’ catastrophic failure to end relentless attacks targeting the civilian population in eastern Aleppo city, said Amnesty International ahead of a UNGA meeting later today.

October 19, 2016

Press Release

Jordan: Aid deliveries to refugees trapped in desert must be followed by long-term solution

Reports about the resumption of humanitarian aid to 75,000 refugees stranded in a remote, arid area along the Jordanian-Syrian border called “the berm” are a long-awaited glimmer of hope that should be followed by a sustainable, long-term solution, Amnesty International said today.

October 10, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Horrific attack on UN aid convoy is a flagrant violation of international law

Last night’s attack on a UN/Syrian Arab Red Crescent aid convoy, intended for 78,000 people in Aleppo, is a flagrant violation of the most fundamental principles of international humanitarian law, Amnesty International said.

September 20, 2016

Press Release

Syria-Jordan border: 75,000 refugees trapped in desert no man’s land in dire conditions

Video footage and satellite images showing makeshift grave sites and burial mounds offer a rare glimpse inside a desert no man’s land between Jordan and Syria where tens of thousands of refugees who have been virtually cut off from humanitarian aid for two months are stranded, said Amnesty International.

September 14, 2016

Press Release

New video highlights escape from IS of two wheelchair-bound refugees

Footage released by Amnesty International today shows the remarkable journey of two refugees, Alan Mohammad, 30, and his sister Gyan, 28, who travelled from Syria to a refugee camp in Greece to escape the armed group that calls itself Islamic State (IS). Alan and Gyan, who were born with muscular dystrophy, fled their home in Al-Hasakah in northeastern Syria as IS advanced. On three occasions they tried to cross the border into Turkey but each time were fired on by Turkish police. They then tried a different escape route, crossing the border into Iraq. As IS advanced in Iraq they…

September 8, 2016

Press Release

Obama must offer urgent support to Syrian refugees on Jordan border

Over 80,000 refugees stranded in the desert at the border between Jordan and Syria are facing dire circumstances caused by shortages in food, water, and medical care.

August 18, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

‘It breaks the human’: Torture, disease and death in Syria’s prisons

Harrowing accounts of torture, inhuman conditions and mass deaths in Syria’s prisons The horrifying experiences of detainees subjected to rampant torture and other ill-treatment in Syrian prisons are laid bare in a damning new report published by Amnesty International today which estimates that 17,723 people have died in custody in Syria since the crisis began in March 2011 – an average rate of more than 300 deaths each month. ‘It breaks the human’: Torture, disease and death in Syria’s prisons documents crimes against humanity committed by government forces. It retraces the experiences of thousands of detainees through the cases of…

August 16, 2016

Press Release

Syria: 10-year-old girl to receive urgent surgery following evacuation from besieged Madaya

A 10-year-old Syrian girl seriously wounded by sniper fire from a Syrian government forces checkpoint in Madaya was successfully evacuated last night for urgent surgery following international pressure, Amnesty International can confirm.

August 14, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Fresh chemical attack on Aleppo a war crime

The Syrian city of Aleppo has been hit by a suspected chlorine attack, which would amount to a war crime if confirmed, and constitutes an alarming sign that Syrian government forces are intensifying their use of chemical weapons against civilians, Amnesty International said Thursday.

August 11, 2016