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Press Release

Fatal airstrike on maternity hospital in Syria a potential war crime

An aerial attack which struck and partially destroyed a maternity hospital in rural Idlib province, north-western Syria, this afternoon appears to be part of a despicable pattern of unlawful attacks deliberately targeting medical facilities, Amnesty International said.

July 29, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Safe passage for civilians will not avert humanitarian catastrophe in Aleppo city

Unfettered and impartial humanitarian assistance is urgently needed to alleviate the suffering of thousands of civilians in Aleppo city on the verge of running out of food and other essential supplies, said Amnesty International today.  

July 28, 2016

Press Release

Video showing beheading of boy further evidence of abuses by armed groups in Syria

A video showing the beheading of a boy by an armed opposition group in northern Syria is the latest abhorrent signal that some such groups are carrying out serious abuses with impunity, said Amnesty International.

July 20, 2016

Press Release

Alarm over reports of high civilian death toll from US-led coalition airstrikes on Manbij in Syria

U.S.-led coalition forces carrying out airstrikes in Syria must redouble efforts to prevent civilian deaths and investigate possible violations of international humanitarian law, Amnesty International urged amid growing reports that scores of men, women and children were killed in their homes in al-Tukhar village, near Manbij, on July 18.

July 19, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty report: Abductions, torture and summary killings at the hands of armed groups in Syria

Armed groups operating in Aleppo, Idleb and surrounding areas in the north of Syria have carried out a chilling wave of abductions, torture and summary killings, said Amnesty International in a new briefing published today.

July 3, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Torture Was My Punishment: Abductions, Torture and Summary Killings Under Armed Group Rule in Aleppo and Idleb, Syria

Armed groups operating in Aleppo, Idleb and surrounding areas in the north of Syria have carried out a chilling wave of abductions, torture and summary killings, said Amnesty International in a new briefing published today.

July 3, 2016

Press Release

Greek decision highlights fundamental flaws in EU-Turkey refugee deal

A Syrian national who arrived on the Greek island of Lesvos has won an appeal against a decision that would have led to his forcible return to Turkey, underscoring the fundamental flaws in the migration deal agreed in March between the European Union and Turkey, Amnesty International said today.

May 20, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Comprehensive humanitarian access needed after aid delivery to besieged Daraya thwarted and followed by deadly shelling

The Syrian government’s refusal today to allow a sorely needed humanitarian aid convoy into the town of Daraya is a cruel reality check of the suffering of thousands of civilians besieged there since 2012, Amnesty International said.

May 12, 2016

Press Release

Armed opposition groups committing war crimes in Aleppo city

Armed groups surrounding the Sheikh Maqsoud district of Aleppo city have repeatedly carried out indiscriminate attacks that have struck civilian homes, streets, markets and mosques, killing and injuring civilians and displaying a shameful disregard for human life, said Amnesty International.

May 12, 2016

Press Release

UN Security Council must step up pressure to end attacks on hospitals in Syria as hundreds killed in Aleppo

The UN Security Council should impose targeted sanctions on all those carrying out deliberate attacks on hospitals and other war crimes, said Amnesty International as it released harrowing testimony revealing how hundreds of civilians, including children, have been killed by intensified Syrian government air strikes since April 21.

May 3, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Calls on Chris Christie to End Bigotry and Fear-Mongering on Refugees

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie notified the U.S. government that the state is pulling out of the federal refugee resettlement program. The announcement comes after Christie’s assertion after the November 2015 attacks in Paris that the state would refuse to accept Syrian refugees, even 5-year-old orphans.

April 21, 2016

Press Release

Terrifying eyewitness video of life under siege in Syria must spur humanitarian lifeline

The terrifying reality of the Syrian government’s relentless barrel bombing of the besieged city of Daraya, outside Damascus, is made brutally clear in a new video released by Amnesty International today amid the latest round of peace talks in Geneva.

April 15, 2016