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Showing 733-744 of 758 Results


Sierra Leone

Stability and security have increased in Sierra Leone since 2002 with the end of the country's decade-long war. However, Sierra Leoneans face grinding poverty; economic justice eludes them.



Since the overthrow of Siad Barre's 21-year government in January 1991, civil conflict has torn Somalia apart, leading to the collapse of the state and the economy.



alks between the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party and the opposition Civic United Front regarding power-sharing and legal and electoral reform in semiautonomous Zanzibar, which broke down in 2008, were…



Amnesty International works to stop Brazil human rights violations. Brazil human rights abuses can end with your support.



Amnesty International works to stop Honduras human rights violations. Honduras human rights abuses can end with your support.


More Violence in Yemen

At least 10 people have been killed during peaceful demonstrations in various cities in Yemen over the past three weeks. In Taiz on Friday a grenade was thrown at the…

February 21, 2011


Breaking Barriers in Bahrain

Protestors in Bahrain have been calling for the right to free expression, the release of political prisoners, a new constitution and an elected government.

February 16, 2011


Another Country, Another Assassination

It has been a week of tragic political violence in the United States, and as we collectively mourn our fellow citizens and brave public servants at home, it is sad…

January 14, 2011


Amnesty Calls on Iraqi Government to Protect Christians

As Christmas draws closer, Amnesty International calls on the Iraqi government to protect the country’s Christians who have been threatened, bombed, and displaced since the US invasion in 2003. In…

December 20, 2010


A Week in Politics

As the dust settles on the midterm election we thought it might be useful to take a moment to assess what implications the results have for the Counter Terror with…

November 8, 2010


Indigenous community held hostage in Brazil

[caption id="attachment_13049" align="aligncenter" width="252" caption="Guarani-Kaiowá leaders"][/caption] In October of 2009, the indigenous community Guarani Kaiowá Y’poí was violently evicted from its ancestral land near Paranhos, in the state of Mato…

September 17, 2010