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Showing 745-756 of 758 Results


Rio de Janeiro, Victimized by Drug Dealers

Rio de Janeiro is back on the headlines. This time it’s not for its role future role hosting the World Cup in 2014 or the Olympic games in 2016. Rather,…

September 7, 2010


Peruvian Indigenous Leader Detained, Facing Unfair Trial

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Rio Santiago, Bagua, Peru ©Ronar Espinoza – Vicariato de Jaén "][/caption] Segundo Alberto Pizango Chota, president of the Peruvian national indigenous federation AIDESEP, has been arrested…

May 26, 2010


Sexual Violence Still Prevalent in the DRC

[caption id="attachment_8970" align="alignright" width="168" caption="Displaced people in Kibati camp, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), November 2008. Copyright: UNHCR/P. Taggart"][/caption] Today, Oxfam International and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative released…

April 15, 2010


Soccer, Terrorism, Repression and Constitutions in Angola

[caption id="attachment_7467" align="alignleft" width="168" caption="Angolan president Eduardo dos Santos"][/caption] The new decade started off with a bang in Angola-literally. Fireworks exploded in the night sky at the opening games of…

January 23, 2010


Human Rights Flashpoints – August 25, 2009

NIGERIA - Instability Despite an Amnesty Deal Hundreds of militants in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, including one of the main rebels group’s (Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger…

August 25, 2009


Ahmedinejad Blames West for Election Unrest

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad gave a speech on state television on Tuesday insisting it due to the meddling of Western nations that violence broke out following the June 12th presidential…

July 8, 2009


Fight Poverty by Protecting Human Rights

(Originally published on the Boston Globe) On the evening of Sept. 18, 2007, six men broke into the home of Justine Masika Bihamba in Goma in the Democratic Republic of…

June 26, 2009


Exposing the Truth is Dangerous

Since writing Los Demonios del Edén -- a book that exposed child prostitution and trafficking in Cancun, Mexico -- Lydia Cacho has been under constant harrasment and intimidation. In 2005,…

June 8, 2009