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Showing 385-396 of 435 Results


Annual Report: Thailand 2010

Head of state King Bhumibol Adulyadej Head of government Abhisit Vejjajiva Death penalty retentionist Population 67.8 million Life expectancy 68.7 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 13/8 per 1,000 Adult literacy rates…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: China 2010

Head of state Hu Jintao Head of government Wen Jiabao Death penalty retentionist Population 1,345.8 million Life expectancy 72.9 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 25/35 per 1,000 Adult literacy 93.3 per…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Malaysia 2010

Head of state Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Head of government Najib Tun Razak (replaced Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in April) Death penalty retentionist Population 27.5 million Life expectancy…

March 19, 2011


Annual Report: Myanmar (Burma) 2010

Head of state Senior General Than Shwe Head of government General Thein Sein Death penalty abolitionist in practice Population 50 million Life expectancy 61.2 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 120/102 per…

March 19, 2011



Amnesty International works to stop Australia human rights violations. Australia human rights abuses can end with your support.



A country born in war and genocide has come a long way since 1971, but must ensure that the human rights are an integral part of its next 40 years.



Amnesty International works to stop Malaysia human rights violations. Malaysia human rights abuses can end with your support.



Amnesty International works to stop Myanmar (Burma) human rights violations. Myanmar (Burma) human rights abuses can end with your support.



Amnesty International works to stop Thailand human rights violations. Thailand human rights abuses can end with your support.


Our Work in Myanmar Isn’t Done Yet!

This post is part of our Write for Rights series. Labor activist Su Su Nway was arrested for putting up an anti-government banner near the hotel in Yangon, Myanmar’s biggest…

November 29, 2010


Aung San Suu Kyi Finally Free!

We are thrilled that Aung San Suu Kyi was finally released today in Myanmar after seven and a half years of house arrest.

November 13, 2010