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Showing 397-408 of 435 Results


This Weekend, All Eyes on Myanmar

Update (November 5): Government attacks on freedoms compromises elections (AI Press Release) This Sunday, Myanmar will hold its first national election in twenty years. Considering the authorities ongoing restrictions on…

November 4, 2010


Obama: India Ain't Just About Gandhi and Outsourcing

As an Indian-American, anytime the US President visits India, I get excited about the possibilities of a stronger relationship between the two gigantic countries.  And, tomorrow, US President Barack Obama is…

November 4, 2010


Write for Rights

Join the 2010 Global Write-a-thon. Write a letter, save a life.

October 22, 2010


Countdown to Burma's Elections

On November 7, 2010 Myanmar will hold its first national elections in two decades against a backdrop of political repression.

October 20, 2010


Has India Abandoned Burma?

As India pioneers forward in its quest for expanding frontiers, this is an opportune time for Indians to carefully ponder over who they are and what they are about, lest…

September 28, 2010


My Assignment in Gaza

I didn’t expect to feel joy in the middle of an area that’s been divided by struggle for decades. But there they were – a group of girls, like rays…

September 17, 2010


A Message from Yoko Ono

Following is a special message from longtime Amnesty supporter Yoko Ono: Dear Amnesty Supporter, I have a special wish – and you are part of it. Oct. 9 is the…

September 10, 2010


Hearty Congratulations to Burmese Junta Leader Than Shwe

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="243" caption="This is not Myanmar junta leader General Than Shwe"][/caption] The military junta leader of Myanmar (Burma), (senior) General Than Shwe, went on a multi-day visit to…

August 10, 2010


Burma VJ: Human Rights Activism at Its Finest

"Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country" is an Academy Award nominated documentary created from the footage captured by the Democratic Voice of Burma during the “Saffron Revolution.” It highlights…

August 6, 2010


Welcome to India, Junta Leader

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Aung San Suu Kyi"][/caption] Myanmar's junta leader, General Than Shwe has been given the red carpet treatment during his visit to India.  India should be telling…

July 25, 2010


That's Totally Lame

So the Government of India claims that its approach towards its human rights violating neighboring Myanmar (aka Burma) is all swell as the dickens. Um, no. In fact, as Aung…

June 29, 2010