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Showing 7669-7680 of 11268 Results


Race Matters

We must all stand up and make changes – in our attitudes, conduct, institutions, and laws – to ensure that there are no more cases like Trayvon Martin’s.

March 22, 2012


A Diminished Force for Good

We need a strong US voice speaking out for human rights in the world, but that can't happen without real accountability at home.

March 21, 2012


World Water Day: Progress Made, Work Still to Do

While we've met the Millennium Development Goal for safe drinking water, 11% of the world still lacks access. Lack of access to clean drinking water is a rights violation.

March 21, 2012

Press Release

Former Libyan intelligence chief must be sent to the ICC

Former Libyan intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi must be sent to the International Criminal Court to face charges of crimes against humanity, Amnesty International said following reports of his arrest in…

March 19, 2012