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Showing 7693-7704 of 11268 Results


Yemen: Women's Rights Must Be Front and Center

Laws, customs and traditions treat Yemeni women as second-class citizens. Amnesty is calling on Yemen to put women's rights front and center during this delicate transition phase.

March 9, 2012


#Kony2012 and the Warping Logic of Atrocity

Kony is but one fugitive from justice among many, operating in a region faced with systemic human rights challenges requiring effective and transformative policy overhauls.

March 9, 2012


US: Don’t Abandon Afghan Women

The U.S. is leaving Afghanistan, but it shouldn't turn its back on the rights of women in the process. We must urge the U.S. to keep its promises to Afghan…

March 8, 2012


Eric Holder Unveils 'The Cake Doctrine'

Eric Holder's counterterrorism policy opens up a Pandora's Box. Will repressive states use the logic to hunt down the opposition, critical journalists and activists in the name of 'national security'?

March 6, 2012


Syria: A Tale of Five Women

The First Lady of Syria says women have full equality, but they are feeling the full force of the military's wave of repression.

March 6, 2012