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Showing 10177-10188 of 11212 Results


Try KSM in a Kangaroo Court at GTMO? Fuhgeddaboudit.

  In this new video, New Yorkers for 9/11 Justice are urging President Obama to do the right thing and prosecute Khalid Shiekh Mohammed and the other four 9/11 suspects in U.S. federal…

November 11, 2010


Try KSM in a Kangaroo Court at GTMO? Fuhgeddaboudit.

  In this new video, New Yorkers for 9/11 Justice are urging President Obama to do the right thing and prosecute Khalid Shiekh Mohammed and the other four 9/11 suspects in U.S. federal…

November 11, 2010


Female Domestic Workers Must Be Protected in Indonesia

The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is one of the highest in the East Asia Pacific Region, particularly affecting domestic workers. Join us in urging Indonesia to pass critical legislation…

November 10, 2010


We Can Help Save Nobel Laureate's Lawyer Part II

A great many people have already raised their voices and carried out actions on behalf of imprisoned Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh. No one should ever think that even…

November 9, 2010


Call-In Day of Action for Bhopal

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="202" caption="International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal Demands Justice for the 1984 industrial disaster"][/caption] As I mentioned earlier in the week, US President Barack Obama is in…

November 8, 2010


A Week in Politics

As the dust settles on the midterm election we thought it might be useful to take a moment to assess what implications the results have for the Counter Terror with…

November 8, 2010


Forcible Medication Now, Lethal Injection Next

The medical profession, whose prime directive is “do no harm,” gets dragged into the mud when health care providers are required, or choose, to get involved in executions.  Back in…

November 5, 2010