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Showing 10201-10212 of 11212 Results


Prison Lobby's Ties to Arizona Anti-Immigration Law

NPR revealed that Arizona's draconian immigration law, SB1090, was written in collusion with for-profit prisons and their lobbyists. The massive growth in immigration detention may be terrific for business, but…

October 28, 2010


Arizona Ignores Trial Judge, Kills Prisoner

"The death penalty in this case is not appropriate and never has been." That’s what former judge Cheryl Hendrix told Arizona’s Board of Executive Clemency in support of Jeffrey Landrigan’s effort…

October 27, 2010


High Stakes Poker at GTMO

This morning Omar Khadr pled guilty, at a Military Commission hearing held in Guantanamo Bay, to five charges: murder in violation of the law of war, attempted murder in violation…

October 26, 2010


Join Us at the Stewart/Colbert Rally in DC!

Join Amnesty International at the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally on Saturday, October 30th! Our contingent will be making noise to close Guantanamo and ensure accountability for  U.S. torture--we need your…

October 26, 2010


Arizona: Execution Drugs Came From Great Britain

Arizona’s Attorney General Terry Goddard has reportedly confirmed that his state’s stash of non-FDA approved sodium thiopental came from Great Britain.  The state continues to try to kill Jeffrey Landrigan…

October 26, 2010


Sign of an Egyptian Election: Mass Arrests

"If the forthcoming elections are to be fair and credible, the Egyptian government must ensure that they are conducted on a ‘level playing field'"

October 26, 2010


Write for Rights

Join the 2010 Global Write-a-thon. Write a letter, save a life.

October 22, 2010