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Showing 10453-10464 of 11210 Results


Troy Davis Hearing in 4 Weeks

Four weeks from today, June 23, Troy Davis will get a day in court. Not a perfunctory hearing where lawyers and judges parse the written affidavits of all the witnesses…

May 26, 2010


Peruvian Indigenous Leader Detained, Facing Unfair Trial

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Rio Santiago, Bagua, Peru ©Ronar Espinoza – Vicariato de Jaén "][/caption] Segundo Alberto Pizango Chota, president of the Peruvian national indigenous federation AIDESEP, has been arrested…

May 26, 2010


Smiling Molester Scores a Jail Sentence

While it will not bring back the life of Ruchika Girhotra, total scumbag and former Chief of Police for the State of Haryana SPS Rathore will spend 18 months in…

May 25, 2010


Human Rights Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill

We are deeply concerned about the impacts of the recent Gulf of Mexico oil spill on the human rights of affected people in the region. Beyond the immediate impacts of…

May 24, 2010


Been Dazed and Confused For So Long It's Not True

Whenever there are "development projects" in various parts of the world, the ostensible reason given is almost always that they are good for the economy in some way-- i.e., they…

May 21, 2010


UPDATE: Board Schedules Clemency Hearing in Utah

The Utah Board of Pardon and Parole  has agreed to hold a two-day hearing for Ronnie Lee Gardner, to determine if should receive clemency.  The hearing is set for June…

May 21, 2010


Gay Malawian Couple Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

Today a gay couple in Malawi was sentenced to serve the maximum possible sentence of 14 years in prison. They were convicted on May 18th of unnatural acts and gross indecency.…

May 20, 2010


Clemency Granted in Oklahoma Case

Last night, Governor Brad Henry of Oklahoma approved clemency and commuted Richard Tandy Smith’s death sentence to life without the possibility of parole.  Smith was found guilty of murdering John…

May 20, 2010


UN must investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka!

It's been a year since the war ended in Sri Lanka, with the government's defeat of the Tamil Tiger rebels.  In the final months of the war, Amnesty International received…

May 19, 2010