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Showing 10477-10488 of 11210 Results


Stop Press

The pretrial hearings in the Omar Khadr case ended last week on two particularly sour notes. First, in a profound blow to the credibility of the Military Commissions process the…

May 8, 2010


I Would Like the Firing Squad, Please

Ronald Lee Gardner faces execution on June 18 in Utah.  The media has zeroed in on the fact that he has chosen the firing squad as his method of execution -…

May 7, 2010


Desi Spotlight Series: Drishtipat

This posting is part of our Desi Spotlight Series. It's time for another in my very irregular series featuring the amazing work of South Asians in the United States working…

May 7, 2010


Indecent Haste

Tom Parker is currently at Guantánamo to observe the military commissions proceedings against detainee Omar Khadr.  This is his second post. Another theme has emerged at the pre-trial military commission…

May 6, 2010


Curbing my enthusiasm over a presidential pardon

Yesterday, on World Press Freedom Day, the Sri Lankan government announced that President Rajapaksa had pardoned J.S. Tissainayagam (often referred to as "Tissa"), a Sri Lankan journalist who had been…

May 5, 2010


Non-Traditional Interrogation

Tom Parker is currently at Guantánamo to observe the military commissions proceedings against detainee Omar Khadr.  This is his first post from the ground. The military commissions currently being revived…

May 5, 2010


Not-so-happy Cinco de Mayo

While many people in the US will be enjoying margaritas and nachos this evening in honor of the Mexican holiday, for the Women of Atenco, it's not a joyful day.…

May 5, 2010


Check Out Our New Video on Chad

Last week, we told you about the need for UN peacekeepers to stay in eastern Chad to help protect refugees and IDPs. We also sent an open letter to Secretary…

May 4, 2010


Human Rights: Time to Practice What We Preach

Originally posted on In a recent speech to the American Society of International Law (ASIL) the legal advisor to the State Department, Harold Koh, stressed the "most important difference"…

May 4, 2010