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Showing 10537-10548 of 11210 Results


Vote for the Power of Words!

You may remember last year when YouTube premiered our animated video "The Power of Words" on its homepage with an introduction by actor, Morgan Freeman. [caption id="attachment_8651" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Vote…

April 2, 2010


We'll Make Them Disappear

“If you don’t have enough evidence to charge someone criminally but you think he’s illegal, we [ICE] can make him disappear.” So said James Pendergraph, former Executive Director of the…

April 2, 2010


Saudi Arabia Set to Execute Soothsayer for Sorcery

‘Ali Hussain Sibat was sentenced to death by a court in Madina in November 2009 after secret court hearings where he had no legal representation or assistance. Amnesty International is…

April 1, 2010


The Lindsay Lohan Chronicles

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="358" caption="Lindsay Lohan in West Bengal. Copyright: British Broadcasting Corporation, 2010"][/caption] For you, the gentle reader, I plumb the depths of the internet looking for content to…

April 1, 2010


Southern Africa To Be One Country

[caption id="attachment_8598" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Bono, South Zamalawimbiqueothobabweibialand's new Head of State"][/caption] I was very excited to read today that ten countries in southern Africa decided to join forces, eliminate borders…

April 1, 2010


Haitian Disaster to US Detention

UPDATE:  The U.S. freed the 30 Haitian detainees from immigrant detention facilities tonight after they spent about two months behind bars. Here we go again: one more egregious example of…

April 1, 2010


College students read last words of the executed

A couple of days ago, we revealed staggering statistics about countries utilizing capital punishment. Our newest report Death Sentences and Executions shows that the U.S. ranks 7th in the world.…

April 1, 2010


From American Soil

The disruption of a plot by a clandestine militant group in Clayton, Michigan, to murder law enforcement officials illustrates perfectly what an unholy and inconsistent mess America’s counter-terrorism architecture has…

March 31, 2010


New Global Death Penalty Stats Out Today

A Challenge to the Outliers Today we released our annual report on global death penalty statistics. The good news: the world has made progress toward upholding the fundamental right to…

March 30, 2010


Don't Quota Me

On February 22, James Chaparro's sixth day on the job as the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) behemoth detention and removal operation, he issued a memo directing all…

March 30, 2010