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Showing 10549-10560 of 11210 Results


UN: Remember Women's Rights

As Women’s History Month comes to an end, it’s a good time to consider what still needs to be done to promote women’s rights globally.  Across the globe women are…

March 29, 2010


Satellite Images Show Fire Damage in Jos, Nigeria

Over the past decade, Nigeria has seen its fair share of violence. On January 17th, Nigeria came back into the headlines as violence erupted in the central city of Jos and…

March 25, 2010


Is Ignorance the Best Policy?

UPDATE: The US Supreme Court has stayed the execution of Henry Skinner, at least temporarily.  He has filed a petition to the Supreme Court, and if the Court declines to hear his…

March 24, 2010


Standing Up for LGBT Rights in Malawi

Back in early January, we called for the unconditional release of Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, two men who were arrested after having a traditional engagement ceremony in Malawi. They…

March 23, 2010


Last Call for New Orleans: Bring people together and save

[caption id="attachment_8409" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="All Rights for All People human rights conference in New Orleans"][/caption] Online registration for the All Rights for All People conference has been extended until April…

March 22, 2010


Sexual violence in Haitian camps of the displaced

This is the third and final post in our “on-the-ground in Haiti” series By Chiara Liguori, Caribbean researcher for Amnesty International So what is happening we asked ourselves. Have we…

March 22, 2010


A day in the life in Haiti

This is the second post in our "on-the-ground in Haiti" series By Amnesty International delegates on mission in Haiti It might be one of the most common dishes in Haiti…

March 19, 2010


Six Jurors Oppose Oklahoma Execution

Oklahoma has the opportunity to save a life on April 8, 2010 and it is our responsibility to take action to prevent another state killing.  Richard Smith was convicted of…

March 18, 2010


30 Years On Refugee Rights Still in Flux

Today marks the 30th anniversary of the US Refugee Act of 1980, a bipartisan bill that made concrete the US government’s commitment to people fleeing persecution and human rights violations.…

March 17, 2010