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Showing 10885-10896 of 11210 Results


Hold Your Applause

[caption id="attachment_2635" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Source: Peace Now"][/caption] President Obama’s strategy of “reaching out to the Muslim world” over the past few weeks has inspired strong sentiments of both praise and…

June 23, 2009


Obama, the Federal Death Penalty, and Race

The death penalty is a difficult issue for just about any politician.  Most prefer to avoid it as much as possible.  But the time may soon come when President Obama…

June 23, 2009


“I Have to Hold Back Tears” — Jimmy Carter

During the lead up to former president Jimmy Carter’s trip to Gaza, the general media sentiment regarding the trip was ominous. Questions of safety (and loyalty, due to the boycott…

June 22, 2009


Iran: Release Soltani

Abdolfattah Soltani was arrested at his office in central Tehran, at around four in the afternoon, on 16 June by four plainclothes security officials. The officials, who did not have…

June 22, 2009


Ominous message from the Iranian Supreme Leader

[caption id="attachment_2602" align="alignleft" width="280" caption="Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran"][/caption] Today, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, spoke to the crowd at the weekly Friday Prayer and…

June 20, 2009


What Next in Iran?

Protesters and police clashed in Tehran today over the outcome of last week's presidential elections. Alertnet has published a good Q & A on what might happen next in Iran:…

June 20, 2009


Forcible Evictions of HIV-positive Families in Cambodia

Yesterday morning, the Cambodian government forcibly evicted about 20 families living with HIV/AIDS from their homes in Borei Keila and resettled them at Tuol Sambo, a resettlement site just outside…

June 19, 2009


U.S. Obligation to Freed Gitmo Detainees

(Originally posted on Daily Kos) Four Uighur former Guantanamo inmates are now in Bermuda, other detainees have been released to France, Chad, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Hungary, Italy and Palau…

June 19, 2009


Protests and Crackdowns Spread Throughout Iran

There is a misconception that protests against Iran’s contested election results have been confined to Tehran. That is not the case. Although the largest protests have indeed been taking place…

June 18, 2009