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Showing 10909-10920 of 11210 Results


Zimbabwe: A Little bit Funky, A Little bit Rock-n-Roll

[caption id="attachment_2417" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Chad Stokes and Braddigan"][/caption] What do you get when you put nearly 100 people in a room on a steamy DC summer evening to listen to two amazingly talented…

June 12, 2009


Wake Up, Humans!

Hidden cameras and fake police!  See how Amnesty International woke people up to human rights in Belgium:

June 11, 2009


Sri Lanka: judicial independence threatened

The Sri Lankan Foreign Minister reportedly told Parliament yesterday that the government would address within the Sri Lankan legal system any alleged violations of international humanitarian and human rights law…

June 10, 2009


UN v. USA re: Death Penalty

On May 26, the United Nations released a report by the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, which highlights, among other things, some of the major flaws in…

June 10, 2009


Help Release Laura Ling and Euna Lee

On Tuesday, we heard from T. Kumar about what U.S. journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee face in their 12 year sentence in a North Korean labor camp. They got…

June 10, 2009


The June 12 Elections in Iran: A New Future?

[caption id="attachment_2394" align="alignnone" width="206" caption="© AFP/Getty Images"][/caption] Enormous crowds throng the streets of Tehran and great excitement is in the air.  Commentators note that the June 12 presidential elections in…

June 10, 2009


Life Inside a North Korean Prison Camp

The news has been buzzing with reports of the two U.S. journalists who were sentenced to 12 years imprisonment with hard labor in North Korea.  Laura Ling and Euna Lee…

June 9, 2009


Amnesty On-the-Ground in Kenya

This week, Amnesty International kicked off a high level research mission to Kenya to launch our first Demand Dignity campaign action.  Irene Khan, Amnesty’s Secretary General, visited to two informal…

June 9, 2009


Women's Rights on the Line

A vote in Congress tomorrow (6/10) will decide the fate of a new Office of Global Women’s Issues, a key provision of the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA). The…

June 9, 2009


Exposing the Truth is Dangerous

Since writing Los Demonios del Edén -- a book that exposed child prostitution and trafficking in Cancun, Mexico -- Lydia Cacho has been under constant harrasment and intimidation. In 2005,…

June 8, 2009


Amnesty Int'l Blocked from Chevron Shareholder Meeting

By Tony Cruz, member of Amnesty International USA’s Business & Economic Relations Group On Wednesday, May 27th, I traveled to Chevron’s Annual Shareholder Meeting to represent Amnesty International USA (AIUSA)…

June 8, 2009