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Showing 11041-11052 of 11210 Results


Anyone have any Doubts about al Bashir?

As Alertnet is reporting, relief efforts in Sudan are “plunging into Chaos” after Sudanese president Omar al Bashir ordered 16 relief organizations to pack up shop and leave. As one…

March 13, 2009


The Gift that keeps on Giving

The appointment of Daniel Fried, a career diplomat who has formerly been both Ambassador to Poland and Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, as the new Special Envoy on…

March 13, 2009


Why Microsoft, Google and Yahoo! need to be reined in

(Originally posted on Daily Kos) Reporters without Borders (RWB) today issued its "Enemies of the Internet" report, exposing state censorship of free speech and expression around the world. Topping the…

March 12, 2009


Putting a Face to Internet Censorship

I wasn't going to post again today, but I was just reading Erica's post, and I went to Daily Kos to check out the comments. One commenter was of the…

March 12, 2009


Palestinian Refugees: Kyl Retreats

Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) yesterday withdrew his controversial amendment that would have discriminated against Palestinian refugees from Gaza. The amendment was reportedly based on internet rumors and triggered strong opposition…

March 10, 2009



The Saturday New York Times story on Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Presiding Justice Sharon Keller contains this gem:  "We can’t give new trials to everyone who establishes, after conviction,…

March 9, 2009


Palestinians: Keep out?

Should Palestinians from Gaza be treated differently under US refugee law? According to Senator Jon Kyl (R – AZ), the answer is yes. [caption id="attachment_1408" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="A Palestinian boy…

March 9, 2009


The Difference Between Justice and Impunity is Action

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Amnesty International and other activists rally outside the Mexican Consulate in Chicago on March 6, 2006."][/caption] I just got back from an amazing week in Chicago,…

March 9, 2009


Internet Co's: How about one day without censorship?

Reporters Without Borders (RWB) and Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) yesterday called on U.S. Internet companies Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! to give the world a day of censorship-free Internet search and…

March 7, 2009


Report on Palestinian Health Care released

Lancet, a British public health journal, released yesterday a series of reports entitled Health in the Occupied Palestinian Territories which examine the health situation in the West Bank and Gaza.…

March 6, 2009


Great animated short on blockade of Gaza

Gisha, Legal Center for the Freedom of Movement, an Israeli non-profit organization, produced this powerful animated short, 'Closed Zone'.   They tapped the talent of Yoni Goodman, the animator of the award…

March 5, 2009


Why Prop 8 Impacts All of Us

Until I attended law school, my strongest exposure to court rooms came from an old "L.A. Law" addiction.  (If you don't know what that is, do me a favor and…

March 5, 2009