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Showing 11077-11088 of 11210 Results


Gaza crossings remain restricted despite dire need

Almost two weeks ago Donatella Rovera, AI researcher posted an entry 'Task of reconstruction will be truly immense' during her mission to southern Israel and the Gaza Strip. This 20 year…

February 15, 2009


Two Thirds of Americans want Accountability

A USA Today/Gallup Poll published earlier this week found a strong desire amongst Americans for investigations into human rights abuses committed during the Global war on Terror by the Bush…

February 13, 2009


State Killing in the Caribbean

The Caribbean.  Beautiful sun-drenched beaches. Palm trees swaying in ocean breezes. Snorkeling.  Scuba diving.  Fruity rum drinks.  Etc.  Those who see the Caribbean as a fabulous tourist destination aren’t inclined…

February 13, 2009


Business as Usual?

The past week has seen some alarming news stories (and bloggers trying to figure out how alarming) suggesting that the Obama administration may be backing away from commitments made on…

February 12, 2009


Sri Lanka: Suicide Bombers and Impunity

The opposition Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka are well-known for their use of suicide bombers, especially female bombers. So I wasn’t shocked to hear on the radio yesterday the words…

February 11, 2009


Leahy and the Accountability Call

Senator Leahy made headlines yesterday by calling for an independent commission at a speech at Georgetown law School, to examine alleged wrongdoing during the Bush administration.  “We need to come…

February 11, 2009


Death Penalty Debate in States Heats Up

UPDATE:  The New Mexico House of Representatives passed the death penalty repeal bill, by a vote of 40-28. Today the New Mexico House of Representatives will be debating and possibly…

February 11, 2009


Both Illegal and Dumb

This weekend saw the publication of two powerful opinion pieces on the futility of using torture as an interrogation tool.  Writing in The (London) Times on Friday General Lord Guthrie,…

February 10, 2009


The Crisis Continues

[caption id="attachment_1077" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="As Israelis vote, Palestinians rebuild; Tents serve as temporary shelter while humanitarian supplies filter into Gaza."][/caption] The crisis in Gaza continues as the Israeli elections wrap…

February 10, 2009


What Happened to Philip Rizk? — Update

[caption id="attachment_1060" align="alignleft" width="129" caption="Philip Rizk"][/caption] The Gaza war was bound to get caught up in the human rights abuses of other countries in the region.  From Egypt comes news…

February 9, 2009


Macho Posturing Does Not Make Us Safer

Speaking to Politico last Tuesday, former Vice-President Richard Cheney opined: “When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are…

February 9, 2009