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Showing 11125-11136 of 11210 Results


Israel Foreign Minister Livni in DC

On my way to work this morning, I noticed a brief mention in the paper that Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni will meet with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice…

January 16, 2009


Crisis in Gaza and Southern Israel

AI's Philip Luther updates the situation in Gaza and Southern Israel from on the ground reports by an Amnesty International delegation.

January 15, 2009


Justice for Darfur

In the next few weeks, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is expected to hand down its decision about indicting Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity,…

January 15, 2009


Obama to Close Gitmo

Barack Obama has announced that he will close Guantanamo. Throughout the world, this announcement will be understood as an introduction to a new kind of American leadership, a repudiation of…

January 13, 2009


It's Not Complicated

Again and again we're told that closing Guantanamo is "complicated." I don't see what's complicated about it. Flying a chunk of metal with people in it to the moon? That's…

January 13, 2009


An Impending Three-Month Spree

[caption id="attachment_747" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Execution witness viewing room (c) Scott Langley "][/caption] Starting tomorrow (Jan. 14), Texas will embark on a three-month spree of executions in which 14 men (one…

January 13, 2009


Direct from our researcher near Gaza

Reporting directly from southern Israel, Amnesty International researcher Donatella Rovera answered questions submitted about the Gaza crisis. Our vote for the toughest question answered: How can AI even ask the…

January 12, 2009


Seven Years Later: Our Power, Our Responsibility

This week we mark the 7th anniversary of the day the U.S. government first began warehousing “enemy combatants,” terrorism suspects and hapless wrong-place-wrong-time detainees at Guantánamo.  Since then, hundreds of…

January 12, 2009


UN Should Investigate War Crimes

Last week, the UN passed a binding resolution calling for “an immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire leading to the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza." Resolution 1860 also calls…

January 12, 2009


Outspoken Journalist Killed in Sri Lanka

Yesterday morning, a brave Sri Lankan journalist paid the ultimate price for freedom of expression.  Lasantha Wickramatunga, the editor of the Sunday Leader newspaper, was shot by unidentified gunmen  while…

January 9, 2009