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Showing 11101-11112 of 11210 Results


Attacks on Ambulance Workers

(As originally Posted to Livewire) Tuesday, 27 January: Under the Geneva Conventions, medical personnel searching, collecting, transporting or treating the wounded should be protected and respected in all circumstances. Common…

January 28, 2009


Historic presidential race, but slavery persists in US

Surrounding the election of the first black President of the United States, much was made of the country overcoming its legacy of slavery, leading a reasonable person to conclude that slavery…

January 28, 2009


AIUSA Letter to George Mitchell

In a letter posted today to newly dispatched Middle East Envoy, AIUSA made the following recommendations: Amnesty International urges the US to support the establishment of a comprehensive independent international inquiry…

January 27, 2009


A Bloodstained Wall Full of Flechettes

(Originally posted on Livewire) Monday January 26: The Israeli army’s use of white phosphorus in densely populated civilian areas of Gaza has captured much of the world’s media interest. However,…

January 27, 2009


Watch "Getting Out of Gitmo" Tonight on PBS

Tonight (January 27) at 9pm ET PBS will premiere the new Frontline segment "Getting Out of Gitmo," about the 17 Uighurs illegally detained at Guantanamo.  Check out the trailer here.…

January 27, 2009


Happy Chinese New Year!

As we enter into the Year of the Ox, I did some research about the characteristics of this sign of the Chinese zodiac. Let me tell you, if the descriptions…

January 26, 2009


"Come on Auntie Beeb…Get on With It!

The BBC continues to draw sharp criticism for its refusal to air a charity event for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The famed UK station refused to air an emergency…

January 26, 2009


Silence Is Betrayal

Over 10 years ago, I worked in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. As a legal advisor, I researched Israeli policy and practice of demolishing the homes of Palestinians. In the night,…

January 26, 2009


There's nothing backwards about accountability.

What’s all this talk about not wanting to look backward? Inquiries from the ACLU to the U.S. Senate produce more and more evidence that the U.S. government not only violated…

January 26, 2009


CSI: Texas Style

Larry Swearingen has received a stay of execution.  He was one of 14 prisoners scheduled for execution in Texas between the beginning of this year and early April.  (Of those 14,…

January 26, 2009


Exec Orders – Did you see the part about contractors?

One positive piece of President Obama’s much heralded executive orders that seems to be overlooked in all the excitement is the unambiguous statement that contractor abuses fall within the scope…

January 24, 2009