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Showing 11173-11184 of 11210 Results


A Stronger US Stance Against Mass Atrocities?

With every day that passes, grave human rights violations continue in places like Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burma. President-elect Barack Obama’s recent personnel decisions have fostered speculations…

December 2, 2008


Is it worth the risk, Maryland?

When testifying before state lawmakers in 2007, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley asked “Can the death penalty ever be justified as public policy when it inherently necessitates the occasional taking of…

December 2, 2008


AIDS is a Human Rights Issue

Today is twenthieth anniversary of the first World AIDS Day, established to commemorate those who have died of the disease and marshal attention to address the epidemic.   The World AIDS Campaign has declared…

December 1, 2008


Rally Echoes Congolese Plea for Help

[caption id="attachment_405" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Amnesty International activists urge the US government to support the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC. White House, November 23 (c) Msia Clark"][/caption] Rallying in front…

November 26, 2008


Washington Execution Stayed

Two separate courts (a County Superior court and a Federal District court) have issued stays of execution for Darold Stenson, who was scheduled to be put to death by the…

November 26, 2008


What Nkunda Wants

[caption id="attachment_381" align="alignleft" width="108" caption="Alice Eve"][/caption] Laurent Nkunda considers himself a man of diplomacy and politics. Unfortunately, whether we agree or not has become academic. This war criminal has a…

November 25, 2008


No Rational Explanation

[caption id="attachment_366" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="Washington State flag"][/caption] The death penalty isn’t as popular out West as it is down South. For example, there hasn’t been an execution in Washington since…

November 24, 2008


It's Separation of Church and State, Stupid

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="© Emad Nasry"][/caption] Not persecution of the Church by the State. Unfortunately for Patriarch "Abune" Antonios of the Eritrean Orthodox Church, the government of Eritrea doesn't…

November 21, 2008


How Will YOU Celebrate Human Rights Day?

Now, the outgoing Bush administration’s plans for celebrating Human Rights Day ’08 can finally be revealed!  On December 10, they are going to carry out the first U.S. Military execution…

November 21, 2008


The Worst Crisis You Won't Read About in the News

The DRC, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Sudan and Nicaragua--all these countries are in crisis right now. How do I know (beyond working at Amnesty International)? I can read about it in the…

November 20, 2008


You're Free to Go Now…Just Kidding!

Can someone please explain this to me? How is it OK to arrest someone, send them to Guantánamo, keep them there a couple years, clear them for release, and then…

November 20, 2008


Can the Death Penalty Cause Wrongful Convictions?

Yes.  It happened most recently in Nebraska, where 6 men were sentenced to various prison terms for involvement in a murder they had nothing to do with, because some of…

November 17, 2008