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Showing 11185-11196 of 11210 Results


What's So Funny About Universal Healthcare?

Yesterday someone emailed me a link to a mock NYT article, National Health Insurance Act Passes.  I'm embarrassed to confess: I fell for it, hook, line and sinker. I believe…

November 14, 2008


Roads to Single-Payer

Commenting on Vienna's post on universal health care, J writes: Health Care for America Now (HCAN) does not support single-payer healthcare. They support Obama’s mixed public/private insurance plan. It's true…

November 14, 2008


Shockwave: Taser's Latest in Taming Dissent

Taser International is busy promoting a new product.  It's called Taser Shockwave, meant to cast something of an electroshock net over an area.  It belongs in my "You've Got to Be…

November 13, 2008


Don't Just Close It, Close It Right!

OK, I just ate lunch (yes at 4:39 PM) and I need a few minutes to digest before I dive into emails, so I thought I'd post this, off the top…

November 12, 2008


"A Hole in the Law?"

Earlier today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Bell v. Kelly, a Virginia case that has important implications for death penalty litigation. The issue in the case is complex.  Under…

November 12, 2008


Battling Impunity in Guatemala

[caption id="attachment_139" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Member of staff at the FAFG studying human remains in order to identify them, 12 June 2008. © Private"][/caption] Excavating human remains, using forensic techniques to…

November 11, 2008


Esha and the Anatomy of a Human Rights Movement

Isn't it a little unrealistic to think writing a letter asking a world leader to free one prisoner will really make a difference? Maybe. But it's not just one letter--it's thousands that arrive…

November 11, 2008


Suicide By Court

[caption id="attachment_165" align="alignleft" width="160" caption="Lethal injection kit © AI"][/caption] On November 21, Kentucky is set to execute Marco Allen Chapman, who was sentenced to death for the murder of two…

November 11, 2008


Forced to Leave Home

Every day across the world people make the difficult decision to leave their homes. War, persecution, environmental disaster and poverty are just some of the reasons why a person might…

November 10, 2008


Bali Bombers Executed

On Saturday, November 8, Indonesia executed three men (Amrozi bin H. Nurhasyim, Ali Ghufron, aka Mukhlas, and Imam Samudera) known as the “Bali Bombers”, because of the bombings for which…

November 10, 2008