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Press Release

Hundreds of Thousands Petition Putin to End of Repression in Russia

A handcuffed Russian ballerina braved the freezing weather in Moscow yesterday as Amnesty International activists delivered a petition of 330,000…

January 31, 2014

Press Release

NHK Broadcaster Defends Sexual Slavery in Japan

The new head of Japan’s national broadcaster NHK defence of the country’s wartime military sexual slavery is deplorable, said Amnesty…

January 27, 2014

Press Release

Court Orders Woman Gang-Raped For Falling in Love with a Muslim

Authorities must investigate the alleged gang-rape of a 20 year-old adivasi woman in Birbhum, West Bengal, India.

January 23, 2014

Press Release

Pussy Riot Members to Appear at Amnesty Human Rights Concert at Barclays Center on Feb. 5

Members of the Russian art collective Pussy Riot will participate in Amnesty International's landmark Bringing Human Rights Home concert at…

January 21, 2014

Press Release

Halt Nigeria’s Homophobic Witch-Hunt Under Oppressive New Law

Nigeria must immediately release the more than 10 people already arrested under a deeply oppressive new law that runs roughshod…

January 15, 2014

Press Release

Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill Must Be Vetoed

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni must veto the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which was passed in a surprise vote this morning.

December 20, 2013

Press Release

Nigerian President Must Reject Harsh Bill on Same-Sex Unions

Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan must not sign a same-sex marriage bill into law, Amnesty International said after the final version…

December 20, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty Joins Call on President Obama: End Secrecy on Drone Strikes

On December 4th, 2013, Amnesty International joined eight U.S.-based human rights groups in an open letter to President Obama urging…

December 6, 2013

Press Release

U.N. Must Not Let Peacekeepers Fail in Central African Republic

The international community must give peacekeepers in the Central African Republic all the means necessary to protect civilians or risk…

December 5, 2013

Press Release

Escalating Bloodshed and Reported Revenge Killings in Central African Republic

Revenge killings are being reported across Bangui and other parts of the Central African Republic today in the aftermath of…

December 5, 2013

Press Release

UN Peacekeeping Mission Needed to Avoid Mass Slaughter in Central African Republic

The UN Security Council has no time to waste to authorize a robust peacekeeping force for deployment to the Central…

December 2, 2013

Press Release

New Protest Law Gives Security Forces Free Rein in Egypt

A new law placing broad restrictions on protests in Egypt is a serious setback that poses a grave threat to…

November 25, 2013