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Press Release

As Olympic Torch Arrives in Moscow, Putin Blows Out the Flame of Freedom

Steven W. Hawkins, Amnesty International USA's new executive director, issued the following statement to mark the arrival of the Olympic…

October 7, 2013

Press Release

Christians Scapegoated after Dispersal of Pro-Morsi Sit-ins in Egypt

A detailed report into the attacks targeting Coptic Christian communities in August reveals the extent of the failure of the…

October 7, 2013

Press Release

Welcoming Prison Release of Herman Wallace; Urging Gov. Jindal to Remove Co-Defendant Woodfox from Decades of Solitary Confinement

Amnesty International USA issued comments today from Steven W. Hawkins, executive director, in response to news that the state of…

October 2, 2013

Press Release

Russian Winter Games Olympic Torch Throws Light on Human Rights Violations

As the Olympic torch arrives in Moscow, Amnesty International is launching a worldwide campaign to highlight Russia’s increasingly deplorable human…

October 2, 2013

Press Release

Turkey Accused of Gross Human Rights Violations in Gezi Park Protests

Turkish authorities committed human rights violations on a massive scale in the government’s attempts to crush the Gezi Park protests…

September 26, 2013

Press Release

Russia Must Investigate Prison Abuse Allegations by Pussy Riot

The Russian prison authorities’ decision to move an imprisoned member of the punk band Pussy Riot to solitary confinement after…

September 25, 2013

Press Release

In a “Borderless World,” New Amnesty International USA Leader Looks to Empower A New Generation to Act to Defend Rights Everywhere

Taking the helm of Amnesty International USA, Steven W. Hawkins said today he wants to harness the commitment and passion…

September 25, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges EU to Combat Homophobic Violence in New Report

The European Union and its member-states are failing to tackle homophobic and transphobic hate crimes and to protect all individuals…

September 17, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes Proposed Steps to Remove Chemical Weapons in Syria, Urges International Action to Address Needs of Millions of Civilians

As diplomats explored alternatives to a U.S. military strike on Syria in response to its use of banned chemical weapons,…

September 10, 2013

Press Release

G-20 Leaders Must Reject Russia’s Homophobic Law

World leaders gathering in St. Petersburg this week must condemn Russia’s draconian homophobic law and do all in their power…

September 4, 2013

Press Release

Second Annual Pussy Riot Solidarity Concert to be Held Front of the Russian Embassy

Amnesty International members, activists and music lovers will show their support for Pussy Riot at the second annual punk concert…

August 13, 2013

Press Release

Evidence Shows Morsi Supporters Tortured Protesters in Egypt

Anti-Morsi protesters told Amnesty International how they were captured, beaten, subjected to electric shocks or stabbed by individuals loyal to…

August 2, 2013