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Press Release

AIUSA Calls Russian Court’s Decision to Not Release Pussy Riot’s Alyokhina “Disappointing”

Nearly a year after punk rock protest group Pussy Riot's performance at Christ the Savior Cathedral, a Russian prison court…

January 16, 2013

Press Release

In Mali Conflict, All Sides Must Protect Civilians as Military Attacks by French Forces Continue

Amnesty International is urging French forces in Mali to give as much advance warning as possible to civilians, and called…

January 14, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Underscores Need for Presidents Obama and Karzai to Raise Women’s Rights to Top of Today’s White House Discussion on Afghanistan’s Security

Amnesty International urged President Obama today to put women's rights in Afghanistan at the top of his security talks today…

January 11, 2013

Press Release

Sexually Abused Girl Should Be Protected, Not Punished

The charges of “fornication” against a 15-year-old girl in Maldives, who there is strong reason to believe was raped by…

January 8, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls on Saudi King to Halt Execution of Sri Lankan Woman

A young Sri Lankan woman is at imminent risk of execution in Saudi Arabia for a crime she allegedly committed…

January 8, 2013

Press Release

Amnesty International Condemns Guantanamo Transfer Restrictions in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act

Amnesty International USA condemned the restrictions on the transfer of Guantanamo detainees in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA),…

January 3, 2013

Press Release

President Obama Must Veto NDAA Legislation

Frank Jannuzi, head of Amnesty International’s Washington office, issued the following statement in response to the final passage of the…

December 21, 2012

Press Release

Russian Parliamentarians Must Reject a Bill that Would Have a Chilling Effect on Human Rights Defenders

Russian parliamentarians must reject ‘Dima Yakovlev’ Bill, Which Would Introduce Severe Restrictions on Non-Governmental Organizations and Ban Adoption of Russian…

December 20, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Hails U.N. Resolution Against Female Genital Mutilation

Amnesty International today hailed adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of a resolution against female genital mutilation.

December 20, 2012

Press Release

Two Cambodian Women Campaigning Against Forced Evictions Must Be Released

Two women human rights defenders facing lengthy prison sentences in Cambodia on trumped-up charges must be freed immediately, Amnesty International…

December 19, 2012

Press Release

New Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto Must Break with Legacy of Human Rights Violations

Mexico’s President must implement immediate and concrete measures to tackle some of the country’s most pressing human rights issues, including…

December 18, 2012

Press Release

Acquittal of Congolese Armed Group Leader Should Strengthen Demands for Justice in DRC

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has acquitted Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, who had been charged with war crimes and crimes against…

December 18, 2012