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Press Release

Candidates Need to Spell Out Concrete Plans to Ensure and Advance Women’s Rights

"Women's rights made the binder at tonight's debate but so far the candidates have flipped right by those pages," said…

October 23, 2012

Press Release

Afghan Woman Allegedly Killed by Husband

Suzanne Nossel, Amnesty International USA executive director, issued the following statement in response to the Associated Press’ reporting that another…

October 22, 2012

Press Release

Human Rights must be at the Forefront of Third and Final Presidential Debate

Grave abuses of human rights fuel or underpin many of the foreign policy challenges that will be the focus of…

October 19, 2012

Press Release

Afghan Girl Beheaded for Refusing to Enter Prostitution Highlights Violent Atmosphere in the Region

Suzanne Nossel, Amnesty International USA executive director, issued the following statement in response to news reports that a young Afghan…

October 17, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Disappointed by Appeals Court’s Decision to Uphold Two of the Women’s Pussy Riot Prison Sentence

Amnesty International welcomes release of Ekaterina Samutsevich, but deeply’ concerned about Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova’s possible inhumane prison conditions;…

October 10, 2012

Press Release

Taliban Claims Responsibility for Shooting 14-Year-Old Pakistani Girl

Amnesty International has denounced the Taliban for its “shocking act of violence” after the organization claimed responsibility for the shooting…

October 9, 2012


Sheet of paper Report

Hidden from Justice: Impunity for Conflict-related Sexual Violence in Colombia

Amnesty returns to Colombia to ensure the rights of women and girls in Colombia to freedom from violence and to…

October 4, 2012

Press Release

Serbian Prime Minister’s Ban on Belgrade Pride Violates Constitutional Protection of Freedom of Expression

The decision by Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic to ban Belgrade’s Pride March for the second year in a row…

October 3, 2012

Press Release

New Amnesty International Report Exposes Impunity for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Colombia

Authorities in Colombia are failing to make any real progress toward justice for women who have suffered sexual violence during…

October 1, 2012

Press Release

South Sudanese Authorities Must Investigate and End “Horrific Acts of Violence” by Security Forces

South Sudan must take immediate steps to end human rights violations including torture, shootings and sexual violence by security forces…

October 1, 2012

Press Release

Moldovan Laws Must be Reformed to Combat Discrimination

Amnesty International calls for urgent changes to Moldovan laws to combat high levels of discrimination faced by ethnic and religious…

September 10, 2012

Press Release

Civilians Bear Brunt of Horrific Violence as Battle for Aleppo Rages

There is no longer any question: Syria's most populous city has been turned into a battlefield, rendering Aleppo's civilian residents…

August 22, 2012