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Sheet of paper Report

‘I Didn’t Know There Were Two Kinds of Justice’ Military Justice and Police Brutality in Chile

Chile’s outrageous two-tier justice system is allowing police officers to beat, ill-treat and in some cases even kill peaceful demonstrators…

April 1, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International Protesters Threatened by Turkish Security in Washington

Today a delegation of Amnesty International USA staff and volunteers protested human rights abuses in Turkey in front of the…

March 31, 2016

Press Release

Colombia: Peace talks with ELN must not allow human rights abuses to go unpunished

Justice for the many victims of human rights abuses and violations amid Colombia’s five-decade armed conflict must lie at the…

March 30, 2016

Press Release

Angola: Conviction of 17 peaceful activists an affront to justice

The guilty verdict and sentences of jail term handed down to 17 activists on 28 March 2016 by the Luanda…

March 29, 2016

Press Release

Azerbaijan releases human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev

The Azerbaijani authorities today released prominent human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev in what Amnesty International billed an overdue step towards…

March 28, 2016

Press Release

Saudi Arabia: Journalist sentenced to five years in prison for tweets latest victim of ruthless crackdown  

The sentencing of journalist Alaa Brinji to five years in prison, an eight-year travel ban and a fine of 50,000…

March 25, 2016

Press Release

China: Prominent blogger’s family detained over letter lambasting President Xi

The Chinese authorities must call off their manhunt against those it believes are behind the publication of a letter calling…

March 25, 2016

Press Release

Teen who challenged torture in Egypt released after more than two years

  The release on bail of Mahmoud Hussein in the early hours of this morning offers a faint glimmer of…

March 25, 2016

Press Release

New government in Myanmar must break vicious cycle of repression and political arrests

Myanmar’s new government will take office with a historic opportunity to change course on human rights but must break away…

March 23, 2016

Press Release

Student imprisoned in Egypt for wearing anti-torture T-shirt hours away from release

Egypt’s authorities must expedite the release of a 20-year-old prisoner of conscience who has spent more than two years in…

March 22, 2016

Press Release

Men arrested for sharing satirical image must be released

Authorities in Madhya Pradesh must drop charges against and immediately release two men arrested for allegedly sharing a satirical image…

March 18, 2016

Press Release

Tunisia: Severe restrictions on liberty and movement latest symptoms of repressive emergency law

As Tunisia prepares to extend a nationwide state of emergency on 22 March, Amnesty International has highlighted the government’s disproportionate…

March 17, 2016