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Press Release

Chinese authorities revelations on detained Hong Kong booksellers “smoke and mirrors”

The Chinese authorities are showing total contempt for due process and the rule of law in the case of five…

February 5, 2016

Press Release

New Photos Pertaining to Torture Released, U.S. Should Launch Criminal Investigations

The Department of Defense today disclosed nearly 200 previously unreleased photographs pertaining to torture and other ill-treatment of prisoners carried…

February 5, 2016

Press Release

Ritual murders of people with albinism in Malawi must end

The killing of a woman with albinism in Malawi highlights the government’s shocking failure to protect the right to life…

February 3, 2016

Press Release

Chinese authorities intensify crackdown against critics with deplorable jail terms for rights activists

Three Chinese human rights campaigners who were handed jail sentences on Friday for publishing books on democracy and activism are…

January 29, 2016

Press Release

Appeals court in Egypt upholds prison sentence for five activists including poet Ahmed Said

Today’s appeals court ruling upholding a two-year prison sentence for five activists, who were convicted of allegedly taking part in…

January 27, 2016

Press Release

20-year-old in Egypt marks two years in jail for anti-torture t-shirt

The continued detention of Mahmoud Hussein, a 20-year-old student who has spent more than two years in jail without charge…

January 26, 2016

Press Release

AIUSA reaction to recommendations to reduce prison population

The Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections released recommendations on prison reform today. The recommendations include ending mandatory minimums…

January 26, 2016

Press Release

AIUSA reacts to criminal justice reforms on solitary confinement

The Department of Justice issued guiding principles and policy recommendations this evening that would limit the use of solitary confinement and restrictive housing…

January 26, 2016

Press Release

Morocco ramps up crackdown on press freedom with trial over citizen journalism

Tomorrow’s trial of seven Moroccan journalists and activists on charges including “undermining state security” and “failing to report foreign funding,”…

January 26, 2016

Press Release

King Salman’s first year in power in Saudi Arabia has been a dark year for human rights

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud’s first year in power has seen the country’s human rights record deteriorate markedly, said…

January 25, 2016

Press Release

Iran’s hypocrisy exposed as scores of juvenile offenders condemned to gallows

Scores of youths in Iran are languishing on death row for crimes committed under the age of 18, said Amnesty…

January 25, 2016

Press Release

Malaysia must end unprecedented crackdown on hundreds of critics through Sedition Act

Malaysia’s government has launched an unprecedented crackdown through the Sedition Act over the past two years to silence, harass and…

January 25, 2016