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Press Release

Global Movement Votes to Adopt Policy to Protect Human Rights of Sex Workers

A crucial vote to protect the human rights of sex workers was passed today in Dublin at Amnesty International’s decision-making…

August 11, 2015

Press Release

Syrian activist Mazen Darwish freed after three-year ordeal that included torture

Today’s conditional release of Mazen Darwish, a human rights activist who had been jailed on trumped-up terrorism-related charges, ends the…

August 10, 2015

Press Release

Iran: Juvenile offender due to be executed within days must be granted judicial review

The Iranian authorities must immediately halt the implementation of a death sentence for juvenile offender Salar Shadizadi, and ensure that…

August 7, 2015

Press Release

Malaysia: End ‘far-reaching’ crackdown in wake of corruption scandal

The gathering pace of the Malaysian authorities’ far-reaching crackdown on human rights defenders, the media and opposition politicians in the…

August 4, 2015

Press Release

Gambia: Sharp deterioration of human rights in 21st year of President Jammeh’s rule

The human rights situation in Gambia has deteriorated sharply during President Yahya Jammeh's 21st year in power, said Amnesty International…

July 21, 2015

Press Release

Zambia: Commuting death sentences a laudable first step

The decision by President Edgar Lungu to commute the sentences of 332 prisoners awaiting death by hanging to life imprisonment…

July 16, 2015

Press Release

Egypt: Draconian counterterrorism law latest tool to muzzle peaceful activists and crush dissent

A draconian counterterrorism law expanding the Egyptian authorities’ iron grip on power would strike at the very heart of basic…

July 15, 2015

Press Release

Dozens of human rights lawyers in China targeted in nationwide crackdown

The Chinese authorities must end their assault on human rights lawyers, Amnesty International said on Saturday, after more than 50…

July 13, 2015

Press Release

Whereabouts of juvenile offender on death row in Iran emerge five months after scheduled execution

An Iranian juvenile offender whose fate and whereabouts had been unknown since he was due to be executed in February…

July 13, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Urges Congress to Pass Prisoner of Conscience Resolution

The co-chairs of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) and Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), have introduced…

July 10, 2015

Press Release

Thailand Must Not Send Uighurs to Chinese Torture

The Thai authorities must not return 50 ethnic Uighurs to China, where they are at risk of being tortured, forcibly…

July 9, 2015

Press Release

Ethiopia: Free All Jailed Bloggers And Journalists Before Obama Visit

The Ethiopian government’s decision to release four journalists and two Zone 9 bloggers, jailed simply for expressing their views, is…

July 9, 2015