The Latest

Press Release

Chad: Release land-grab campaigner jailed for exposing the truth

Chadian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release and drop all charges against a human rights defender sentenced to two-year imprisonment…

July 8, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International ends visit to the Dominican Republic: further actions needed to protect Dominicans of foreign descent

Amnesty International carried out a visit in the Dominican Republic from 14 to 27 June 2015, with the aim of…

July 6, 2015

Press Release

Mexico: Investigate new evidence that a military order may have provoked massacre of 22 people

Mexican civilian authorities must urgently investigate a recently uncovered military document that seems to indicate that the killing of 22…

July 3, 2015

Press Release

Brazil: Shocking U-Turn on Vote Against Lowering Age of Criminal Responsibility

A shocking U-turn on a Brazilian Parliamentary decision that rejected lowering the age at which young people can be tried…

July 2, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

Operation Mbata ya Bakolo: mass expulsions of foreign nationals in the Republic of Congo

Police violence, persecution, arbitrary detentions and rape amid a security operation to deport tens of thousands of DR Congo nationals…

July 1, 2015

Press Release

New Orleans Artist Brandan “Bmike” Odums and Amnesty International USA to Unveil Mural JULY 3 Calling for Release of Man in Solitary Confinement for 43 Years

New Orleans artist Brandan “Bmike” Odums (Exhibit BE) has joined with Amnesty International USA’s Art for Amnesty program to create…

July 1, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

Generation Jail: Egypt’s Youth Go From Protest to Prison

A continuing onslaught against young activists by the Egyptian authorities is a blatant attempt to crush the spirit of the…

June 29, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA and Conectas Direitos Humanos Urge Brazilian Congress Not to Lower Age of Criminal Responsibility

Amnesty International USA joined the Brazilian nongovernmental organization Conectas Direitos Humanos in calling on the Brazilian Congress to refrain from…

June 29, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges Iran to Halt Execution of Young Man in Case Riven with Doubt

The Iranian authorities must urgently commute the death sentence of Ehsan Shah Ghasemi, a 24-year-old man who faces imminent execution…

June 19, 2015

Press Release

Chinese rights activists face five years in prison for publishing books on democracy

The Chinese government must release and drop all charges against three human rights campaigners about to be tried on state…

June 18, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

The Global Refugee Crisis: A Conspiracy of Neglect

World leaders are condemning millions of refugees to an unbearable existence and thousands to death by failing to provide essential…

June 15, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA: Woodfox Must Be Released Immediately

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in Louisiana announced that they would continue a stay of a…

June 12, 2015