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Press Release

Amnesty International Responds to USA’s Recognition that the Convention Against Torture Applies at Guantánamo

Amanda Simon, Amnesty International USA, 212-633-4162, [email protected] In response to the U.S. government's recognition today in Geneva before the UN…

November 12, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Families Under the Rubble: Israeli Attacks on Inhabited Homes

Israeli forces have killed scores of Palestinian civilians in attacks targeting houses full of families, which in some cases have…

November 3, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Libya: Rule of the Gun — Abductions, Torture and Other Militia Abuses in Western Libya

Lawless militias and armed groups on all sides of the conflict in western Libya are carrying out rampant human rights…

October 28, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

United States of America Submission to the United Nations Committee Against Torture

It is now two decades since the USA ratified the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading…

October 20, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Summary Killings During the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine

An Amnesty International investigation into allegations of execution-style and other deliberate killings by pro-Russian separatists and pro-Kyiv forces has found…

October 19, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

China’s Trade in Tools of Torture and Repression

This report focuses on China's growing manufacture, sale and trade of a wide range of law enforcement equipment. Of particular…

September 26, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

Out of control: Torture and other ill-treatment in Mexico

Anyone arrested in Mexico is potentially at risk of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Torture…

September 26, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

‘Welcome to hell fire’: Torture and other ill-treatment in Nigeria

Torture is a routine occurrence in Nigeria, largely to extract "confessions" or as punishment for alleged crimes. Hundreds of suspects…

September 26, 2014

Press Release

Protection of Syrian Civilians Must be World’s Priority, Humanitarian and Human Rights Groups Demand

Any further intervention in the Middle East must include plans to address the suffering of Syrian civilians, a global coalition…

September 23, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Marks the September 11, 2001 Attacks

Today marks the 13th anniversary of the attacks in the USA on September 11, 2001.

September 11, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Welcomes Reports of Justice Department Investigation into Ferguson Police

According to media reports, the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division will begin an investigation into the police department of…

September 4, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Statement on Attorney General Visit to Ferguson

Attorney General Eric Holder visits Ferguson today as part of the federal investigation into Michael Brown's death.

August 20, 2014