The Latest

Press Release

Amnesty Marks One Year Since President Obama’s National Security Speech

Marking one year since President Obama's national security speech on May 23, 2013, Steven W. Hawkins, executive director of Amnesty…

May 21, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

USA: Another Year, Same Missing Ingredient

Human Rights are still absent from counter-terrorism policy a year after President Obama proclaimed "America at crossroads."

May 21, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty: More Transparency on Drone Strikes is Good, But It is Not the End Goal

In response to reports that the Obama administration may disclose more information about the legal rationale for killing U.S. citizens…

May 20, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Launches Worldwide Campaign to Expose Global Crisis on Torture

Amnesty International today launched a new campaign against torture and other ill-treatment, from Chicago to Guantanamo to Nigeria and around…

May 12, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Torture In 2014: 30 Years of Broken Promises

Torture is abhorrent. It is barbaric and inhumane. It can never be justified. It is wrong, self-defeating and poisons the…

May 12, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty Welcomes Positive Steps Against Bulk Surveillance, Calls on Congress to Go Further

Contact: Natalie Butz, [email protected], 202-675-8761, @AIUSAmedia (WASHINGTON, D.C.) - In response to the House Judiciary Committee’s compromise on surveillance reform…

May 8, 2014

Press Release

Congress Must Put Human Rights at the Center of Surveillance Reform

As the House Intelligence Committee and the House Judiciary Committee debate changes to US surveillance this week, Amnesty International USA…

May 7, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Chicago and Illinois: Torture

International law strictly prohibits the use of torture and other ill-treatment, and stipulates that governments are responsible for investigating torture…

April 26, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty Responds to Comments on CIA torture by Dr James Mitchell

In response to comments about CIA torture and Amnesty International attributed by The Guardian to Dr James Mitchell, Zeke Johnson…

April 18, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty Responds To Allegations that the FBI Spied on Guantanamo Lawyers

In response to allegations that the FBI sought to recruit an informant from the defense team in the 9/11 military…

April 14, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

Recommendations for International Human Rights Law and US Surveillance Practices

Amnesty International USA and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) urge the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board to recommend…

April 14, 2014

Press Release

Leaked Torture Report Findings “A Game Changer”

In response to the disclosure by McClatchy Media of information about the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on CIA detention and…

April 11, 2014