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Sheet of paper Report

Behind the Rhetoric: Human Rights Abuses in Bahrain Continue Unabated

A new report by Amnesty International details the rampant abuses including torture, arbitrary detentions and excessive use of force against peaceful activists and government critics, which continue to take place in Bahrain four years after the uprisings that rocked the Gulf kingdom in 2011.

April 15, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

‘Our Job is to Shoot, Slaughter and Kill’: Boko Haram’s Reign of Terror

At least 2,000 women and girls have been abducted by Boko Haram since the start of 2014 and many have been forced into sexual slavery and trained to fight, said Amnesty International on the first anniversary of the abduction of the Chibok school girls.

April 13, 2015

Press Release

Kenya: University attack highlights security failures

The horrific attack on a Kenyan university college by masked gunmen highlights the urgent need for the protection of students, college staff and ordinary people in the north of the country.

April 2, 2015

Press Release

Spain: Two-pronged assault targets rights and freedoms of Spanish citizens, migrants and refugees

Draconian reforms to two pieces of Spanish legislation are an assault on the rights of its citizens as well as an attempt to formalize abusive practices against migrants and refugees, said Amnesty International ahead of a vote in parliament this afternoon.

March 26, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

Unlawful and Deadly: Rocket and Mortar Attacks by Palestinian Armed Groups During the 2014 Gaza/Israel Conflict

Palestinian armed groups displayed a flagrant disregard for the lives of civilians by repeatedly launching indiscriminate rockets and mortars towards civilian areas in Israel during the conflict in July and August 2014, said Amnesty International in a new report.

March 25, 2015

Press Release

Venezuela: Lack of justice for protest abuses gives green light to more violence

In a new report, Amnesty International warns of serious consequences for Venezuela’s failure to effectively investigate and bring to justice those responsible for the deaths of 43 people and the injury and torture of hundreds during protests in 2014.

March 24, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

The Faces of Impunity: A Year After the Protests, Victims Still Await Justice

Venezuela’s failure to effectively investigate and bring to justice those responsible for the deaths of 43 people and the injury and torture of hundreds during protests in 2014, is effectively giving a green light to more abuses and violence, said Amnesty International in a report.

March 23, 2015

Press Release

New Amnesty International Poll Shows Anger at U.S. Surveillance

Majority of U.S. citizens against government’s surveillance scheme, small majority approve surveillance of foreigners

March 18, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

Violations of the Rights to Freedom of Expression, Assembly and Association in Crimea

The de facto authorities in Crimea have failed to investigate a series of abductions and torture of their critics, and resorted to an unrelenting campaign of intimidation to silence dissent.

March 18, 2015


Sheet of paper Report

Al-Raqqa Under Attack: Syrian Air Force Strikes Against Civilians

A report by Amnesty International provides damning evidence that Syrian government forces unlawfully killed scores of civilians in a series of aerial attacks on the city of al-Raqqa in November 2014 which violated international humanitarian law. Some of the attacks may amount to war crimes.

March 17, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Joins ACLU, Wikimedia in Lawsuit to Stop Mass Surveillance Program

Amnesty International USA joined a major new lawsuit today filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of a broad group of organizations challenging the National Security Agency’s mass interception and searching of Americans’ Internet communications, including emails, web-browsing content, and search-engine queries.

March 10, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Letter to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Allegations of a Chicago Police Department Facility in Homan Square

Amnesty International USA calls on Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to investigate allegations published in The Guardian newspaper of a Chicago Police Department facility in Homan Square, including beatings and disappearances of people detained there.

February 25, 2015