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Showing 10261-10272 of 11212 Results


The Great Experiment?

In a recent report to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,  the US touted its human rights record and argued that: The American experiment is a human experiment; the…

September 22, 2010


African Activists' Struggle to Improve Maternal Health

Activists and medical workers in Sierra Leone and Burkina Faso tell Amnesty International that world leaders need to put human rights at the heart of efforts to combat maternal mortality…

September 20, 2010


Indigenous community held hostage in Brazil

[caption id="attachment_13049" align="aligncenter" width="252" caption="Guarani-Kaiowá leaders"][/caption] In October of 2009, the indigenous community Guarani Kaiowá Y’poí was violently evicted from its ancestral land near Paranhos, in the state of Mato…

September 17, 2010


Time for Justice in Senegal

For more than 10 years, victims of former Chadian president Hissène Habré have been waiting for justice. Since he was chased from power in 1990, Habré has been living in…

September 17, 2010


My Assignment in Gaza

I didn’t expect to feel joy in the middle of an area that’s been divided by struggle for decades. But there they were – a group of girls, like rays…

September 17, 2010


Tell Your Senators to Support the DREAM Act!

This Tuesday Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that he would include the DREAM Act in a defense authorization bill.  The DREAM Act will help thousands of committed students and…

September 15, 2010


Iran's Humanitarian Release of U.S. Hiker is Welcomed

Amnesty International and other organizations have harshly—and rightly—criticized Iran’s egregious human rights violations. However it is truly a cause for celebration when the Iranian authorities decide to take the high…

September 15, 2010