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Showing 10225-10236 of 11212 Results


Victims Testify to End Sexual Violence in the Congo

The international community and specifically the United States must play a lead role in demanding an end to impunity for the horrific sexual violence that reoccurs in Congo. We are…

October 15, 2010


Fighting Crime Without the Death Penalty

“Bizarre.” This was the answer given by Former Detective Superintendent Bob Denmark of Lancashire, England when asked what people in the UK thought about the execution of Teresa Lewis. “[People] are…

October 14, 2010


Kidnapped in Italy, Tortured in Egypt

By Steve Hendricks In 2003 the police of Milan were closing in on a network of Islamic terrorists that recruited suicide bombers—until the radical imam at the heart of their…

October 12, 2010


'Click' to Earn Amnesty $1!

Get the latest human rights news, spread the word about Amnesty, and earn $1 for human rights. Simply by clicking!

October 12, 2010


Interested in Kashmir Human Rights? Then, #askai

[caption id="attachment_13669" align="aligncenter" width="202" caption="Protests Against Indian Rule in Kashmir - copyright Majid Pandit, used by permission"][/caption] WHEN: Thursday, October 14, 10am - 11am Eastern US Time (19:30 in India/Kashmir)…

October 11, 2010


Ghailani and the Torture Trail

Ahmed Ghailani will go to jail regardless of the outcome of his trial in Manhattan. When a society seeks to deprive someone of their liberty through a legal process, it…

October 9, 2010