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Showing 10237-10248 of 11212 Results


Ethiopian Prisoner of Conscience Birtukan Mideksa Released!

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Birtukan Mideksa ©AI"][/caption] Amnesty International welcomed Birtukan Mideksa’s release from prison yesterday. The leader of the Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) opposition party in Ethiopia,…

October 7, 2010


Art Competition to Stop Abuses in Iraq

Calling all artists! We here at Amnesty are announcing a new art competition that you can be a part of! We’re looking for artwork to be featured on our postcards…

October 5, 2010


Congress Seeks to Improve Prison Conditions Around the World

For years, we’ve documented horrendous conditions in prisons all around the world in our Annual Report. Detainees are often held in inhumane prison conditions, including overcrowding and inadequate food, water…

October 4, 2010


Give Omar Khadr His Chance at Justice

The U.S. Constitutional amendment protecting everyone's right to a fair trial is under attack. On October 18, the desperately flawed trial of Omar Khadr, the young Canadian man who has…

September 30, 2010


California Execution Blocked by Two Courts

California may be keeping its moratorium in place… for now. U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel has blocked the Thursday night execution of Albert Brown.  In a separate ruling, the California…

September 29, 2010


Has India Abandoned Burma?

As India pioneers forward in its quest for expanding frontiers, this is an opportune time for Indians to carefully ponder over who they are and what they are about, lest…

September 28, 2010