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Human Rights Flashpoints – September 22, 2009

HONDURAS – Surprise Return of Ousted President Sparks Protests Following the surprise return of ousted President Manuel Zelaya on Monday, thousands of protestors gathered in support outside of the Brazilian…

September 22, 2009


ACT Now: Why the U.S. must listen to Goldstone

The United States is fast losing their credibility in the region and among Human Rights organizations and activists over our reluctance to support the recommendations contained in Justice Richard Goldstone's…

September 22, 2009


Eric Holder and the Seven Dwarves

(Originally posted on Daily Kos) Last Friday seven former Directors of Central Intelligence wrote an open letter to President Obama calling for him to reverse the Attorney General's decision to…

September 22, 2009


Former POC and Environmental Defender Felipe Arreaga Dies at Age 60

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="Felipe Arreaga in Guerrero. © Monica Campbell"][/caption] Amnesty International is sad to learn of the death of Felipe Arreaga, former environmental activist from Petatlán, Guerrero, in…

September 21, 2009


Sri Lanka: international investigation still needed

Human Rights Watch said something on Sri Lanka yesterday at the UN Human Rights Council that bears repeating: "Additionally, the Council should establish an independent international investigation into violations of…

September 17, 2009


It’s Constitution Day! – But Not in Texas

Today is Constitution Day.  On this day, September 17, in 1787, the US Constitution was signed by a group of men known collectively these days as the “Founding Fathers”.  Yesterday,…

September 17, 2009


Sri Lanka: Time for action by the UN

The UN Human Rights Council started its twelfth regular session in Geneva today.  I'm hoping that this time, unlike last May, we'll see the Council take some effective action to…

September 15, 2009