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Showing 10789-10800 of 11210 Results


SADC Tribunal Struggles for Legitimacy

UPDATE, September 24, 2009 "SADC Executive Secretary Tomaz Salamao told VOA that Harare’s move to repudiate the tribunal has been referred to the ministers of justice of the regional bloc's…

September 3, 2009


Gabon Election Update: Violence as Bongo is Declared Winner

[caption id="attachment_4973" align="alignleft" width="260" caption="After the official results of the presidential elections, unrest broke out in Gabon's capital. (AFP PHOTO / ISSOUF SANOGO)"][/caption] The results of Gabon’s presidential election, held…

September 3, 2009


Human Rights Flashpoints-September 1, 2009

Burma - New Fighting in Northeast The last few days have seen renewed violence in Myanmar (Burma). Fighting erupted between government forces and one of the so-called ceasefire groups, when…

September 2, 2009


Death Penalty Outrage – Iraqi Style

Embedded video from CNN Video On Monday, Amnesty International release a report on the death penalty in Iraq, pointing out that at least 1,000 people are now on death row…

September 2, 2009


Iranian human rights defender Abdolfattah Soltani released!

Abdolfattah Soltani, an Iranian human rights defender, was one of hundreds of people who were rounded up and imprisoned in the crackdown that followed Iran’s presidential elections.  Plain clothes Iranian…

September 2, 2009


20-year sentence for Sri Lankan journalist

I was shocked this morning when I heard the news that J.S. Tissainayagam, the detained Sri Lankan journalist, was sentenced to 20 years rigorous imprisonment by the Sri Lankan High…

September 1, 2009


Zuma Zooms to Zim

First off, apologies for the title. I couldn't stop myself. That being said, South African President Jacob Zuma traveled to Zimbabwe last week for either one of two reasons, depending on…

August 31, 2009


Uncertain Future for Zambian NGO's

President Ruplah Banda signed new legislation today regulating the activities of all Zambian NGO's.  This is the Zambian government's second attempt to pass such legislation after the first was withdrawn…

August 31, 2009


Is it all "over" in Darfur?

[caption id="attachment_4922" align="alignleft" width="175" caption="Resolution in and around Darfur seems far from"over" to the millions of people still displaced. (Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)"][/caption] The departing Force Commander of UNAMID…

August 31, 2009


Human Rights Missing from Health Care Debate

(Originally posted on Huffington post.) Though Alyce Driver worked three jobs, none of them provided health insurance. Regular teeth cleaning and yearly physicals for her five children were a luxury…

August 31, 2009


Remember the disappeared in Sri Lanka

Today, Aug. 30, is the International Day of the Disappeared, observed by Amnesty International and other human rights groups around the word to remember the disappeared and to press for…

August 30, 2009


Shocking Video Footage from Sri Lanka

The Sri Lankan government is facing renewed calls for an investigation into human rights abuses after a graphic video was released showing extra-judicial killings. Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka,…

August 27, 2009