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Human Rights Flashpoint – September 15, 2009

AFGHANISTAN - Election Recount The United Nations Electoral Complaints Commission has ordered a recount of about 10 percent of votes from Afghanistan's recent president election. The recount could reduce President…

September 15, 2009


U.S. Homicide Rates and the Death Penalty

The FBI’s annual crime report – Crime in the United States, 2008 – which was released Monday reveals that, like death sentences and executions, murder rates in the U.S. declined slightly in…

September 15, 2009


Sri Lanka: when will displaced civilians be released?

[caption id="attachment_5189" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Displaced Sri Lankan Tamil civilians watch as unseen French and British Foreign Ministers arrive at camp for talks in the unsuccessful civilian release. Photo credit goes…

September 12, 2009


Documenting Housing Demolitions for Dummies

This posting is part of our Forced Evictions in Africa Series. [caption id="attachment_5186" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="New report documents housing demolitions and forced evictions in N’Djamena, Chad. Photo credit goes to…

September 11, 2009


Shia Muslims Still Face Inequality in Saudi Arabia

A new report by Human Rights Watch, entitled "Denied Dignity", outlines how Shia Muslims of Saudi Arabia struggle against “systematic discrimination”.  The Shia community, which comprises about 10% to 15% of…

September 10, 2009


Another Shocking Video from Sri Lanka

The British news company, Channel 4, has released another shocking video on Sri Lanka, this time on the terrible conditions facing Sri Lanka's displaced Tamils in the internment camps they're…

September 9, 2009


Sri Lanka expels UN official

Over the weekend, it was reported that Sri Lanka had cancelled the visa of James Elder, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) spokesperson in Sri Lanka, for comments he had…

September 9, 2009


Zimbabwe: Mugabe's Sleight of Hand

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights recently reported that President Mugabe did NOT sign the Global Political Agreement. Well, he signed half of it. The entire 36 page document was ratified…

September 8, 2009


Netanyahu ok's settlement expansion despite US displeasure

Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, has approved the construction of hundreds of new homes in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem despite statements by the U.S. government, including many by…

September 8, 2009


Human Rights Flashpoints–September 9, 2009

Sudan – Deadly Attacks in the South Recent ethnic clashes in southern Sudan have killed at least 25 people and displaced dozens of civilians in Upper Nile State since Friday.…

September 8, 2009